Michael Kors Outlet came up with a typically cute sobriquet for his spring collection: Virginia Slim Aarons. It embodies everything he loves in a womansexy, sporty, casually deluxeand he"s a past master at capitalizing on that spirit. But his challenge with his men"s range is to find the guy who"d be a match for such a gal. Actually, match wasn"t far off the mark with Kors" latest looks: The first man out wore tennis shorts, carried a racket, and sported a white cashmere hoodie under his navy blazer. He looked like a glossy tennis pro. Next was a pink cashmere turtleneck, also under a navy blazer.
This was the pro, après-tennis. And après ça? A stream of clothes that suggested the kind of men who would dance attendance on Kors" fabulous females in a strictly professional capacity. Not gigolos, mind you, but dressy male wing pieces just the same. That might explain all the shorts on parade, the better to reveal legs tanned and toned by the leisurely pursuit of the good life. One particularly striking look matched a gold Lurex polo shirt with linen shorts, also glazed and belted in gold. This young Apollo would surely gladden the heart of a Lilly Pulitzer-clad matron. The metallic theme was equally striking in a pairing of polo (in silver cashmere) and pants (in silver sharkskin). Kors has a finely honed appetite for campattested to by the soundtrack"s exuberant bursts of Mika, Scissor Sisters, and Xanaduand it finds its purest expression in his menswear.Read more from: https://www.kalakendra.org/upcoming-events/